- Our Curriculum
- Pastoral Care
- Mathletics and Mathseeds
- Accerelated Reading
- International Links
- Musical Opportunities
- Shared Education
- Policies
- Nursery
- P1 Miss Cowan
- P1 Mrs Finlay / Mrs Verner
- P2 Mrs K Herron
- P2 Mrs Copeland / Mrs Withers
- P3 Miss Thompson
- P3 Ms McAreavey
- P4 Mrs Millar
- P4 Mrs McCann
- P5 Mrs Gray/Mrs Lynch
- P5 Miss Meneely
- P6 Mr Wormald
- P6 Mrs Holdsworth/Mrs McAlonan
- P7 Miss Murray
- P7 Mr Murray
I hope that you enjoy navigating your way around our new website. Please feel free to explore our galleries and information. We are very proud of our children and I have no doubt that you are too!
Cliftonville Integrated PS