How to Release a Lien and Security Interest on Title
Contact the lender holding the Lien to electronically release the title. The Department will not release a lien or security interest that is electronically recorded.
When a lien or security interest is satisfied:
The lienholder should complete the Release of Lien or Security Interest section on the Title by including:
- Name of the lienholder or security interest holder, as recorded on the time
- Authorized agent’s signature
- Date released
Once a lien has been released, the title should be:
- Mailed or delivered to the next recorded lienholder or security interest holder within five days of the date their interest was satisfied.
- If there is no additional lienholder or security interest holders recorded, the title should be mailed to the motor vehicle owner(s).
If the title is not available at the time of release, the lien or security holder should:
- Provide the owner with a completed and signed Form T-4 Lien or Security Interest Release.
Note: The County Tag Office reserves the right to verify Form T-4 prior to accepting the application.
A lien or security interest release is not required:
- If recorded on Title for ten years from the title’s issue date for a vehicle that is 11 model years old or older.
- If recorded on the title for four years from the title’s issue date for a vehicle that is 12 model years old or older. Exception: A lien or security interest release is required for lien or security interests recorded on titles for mobile homes, cranes, and vehicles weighing more than 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight.