The affix (blast) refers to an immature stage of development in a cell or tissue, such as a bud or germ cell.
Blastema (blast-ema): precursor cell mass that develops into an organ or part. In asexual reproduction, these cells may develop into a new individual.
Blastobacter (blasto-bacter): a genus of aquatic bacteria that reproduce by budding.
Blastocoel (blasto-coel): a cavity containing fluid found in a blastocyst (developing fertilized egg). This cavity is formed in the early stages of embryonic development.
Blastocyst (blasto-cyst): developing fertilized egg in mammals that undergoes multiple mitotic cell divisions and becomes implanted in the uterus.
Blastoderm (blasto-derm): layer of cells that surround the blastocoel of a blastocyst.
Blastoma (blast-oma): type of cancer that develop in germ cells or blast cells.
Blastomere (blast-omere): any cell resulting from the cell division or cleavage process that occurs following the fertilization of a female sex cell (egg cell).
Blastopore (blasto-pore): an opening that occurs in a developing embryo that forms the mouth in some organisms and the anus in others.
Blastula (blast-ula): an embryo in an early stage of development in which the blastoderm and blastocoel are formed. The blastula is called a blastocyst in mammalian embryogenesis.
Ameloblast (amelo-blast): precursor cell involved in the formation of tooth enamel.
Embryoblast (embryo-blast): inner cell mass of a blastocyst containing embryionic stem cells.
Epiblast (epi-blast): the outer layer of a blastula prior to the formation of germ layers.
Erythroblast (erythro-blast): immature nucleus-containing cell found in bone marrow that forms erythrocytes (red blood cells).
Fibroblast (fibro-blast): immature connective tissue cells that form protein fibers from which collagen and various other connective tissue structures are formed.
Megaloblast (megalo-blast): abnormally large erythroblast that typically results from anemia or vitamin deficiency.
Myeloblast (myelo-blast): immature white blood cell that differentiates into immune cells called granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils).
Neuroblast (neuro-blast): immature cell from which neurons and nervous tissue are derived.
Osteoblast (osteo-blast): immature cell from which bone is derived.
Trophoblast (tropho-blast): outer cell layer of a blastocyst that attaches the fertilized egg to the uterus and later develops into the placenta. The trophoblast provides nutrients for the developing embryo.
Cite this Article Your CitationBailey, Regina. "Biology Prefixes and Suffixes: blast-, -blast." ThoughtCo, Jul. 29, 2021, Bailey, Regina. (2021, July 29). Biology Prefixes and Suffixes: blast-, -blast. Retrieved from Bailey, Regina. "Biology Prefixes and Suffixes: blast-, -blast." ThoughtCo. (accessed September 6, 2024).
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