Without stressing about delays, wasting time fixing issues and collecting missing information.
Imagine running your internal control project smoothly and on time. and be praised by the Board for the outstanding job.
You have two choices:
1) You can continue f eeling OVERWHELMED,
POSTPONING writing internal control procedures,
WONDERING if your next presentation will impress the Board,
GOING BACK AND FORTH to collect missing information from your team,
WASTING HOURS explaining how the internal control department works to new hired. And trying to get everyone using the same testing methodology.
These easy-to-use excel and word templates helped several internal control managers to:
To clearly and quickly identify, assess and prioritize the company's risks.
To effectively record and to report the results of the controls assessment + any ineffective controls.
To document the Internal Control Function way to work + the control assessment methodology.
To plan and keep track of the internal control assessment like a pro.
To impress the Board and the Audit Committee when you present internal control KPIs.
To feel confident in using each document included in the kit. We guide you step-by-step.
My team is responsible to perform independent testing over internal controls across different countries. The team grew from 2 to 6 people in a short period of time and it's dispersed over 4 different countries. The documents have been extremely helpful to keep track of all the activities, to set up a common way to work and consistent performance indicators.
Tami G. - Audit Manager
Avoid unnecessary extra hours. Work smarter.
£ 429
As soon as you buy the products, you'll be sent a link to download them immediately.
Other than the procedures and forms included in this kit, do you have any other template that I can use for internal control purpose?
The Internal Control Implementation Kit to speed up your implementation project. Learn more HERE.
Internal Control Frameworks + Segregation of Duties Matrix for those looking for a ready-made risks & controls template and done-for-you analysis of conflicting tasks. Learn more HERE.
The Process Procedures Kit to quickly set up all the procedures to document business processes. Learn more HERE.